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The Future of Management Education: FOME wasn’t built in a day

FOME Annual Conference

Rome 4-6 December 2023

Luiss Business School – Rome
December 4-5-6 2023

Luiss Business School

Welcome Message

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all to the FOME annual conference. If it is true that FOME prides itself on being at the forefront of the development and delivery of immersive and highly engaging online and hybrid business education, it is also true that we highly value having you all here in person or remotely connected. FOME is where business schools come together to discuss challenges of business education and find cutting edge, collaborative solutions in an ever-evolving ecosystem, but it is also where we have created a safe space for peer-to-peer learning that keeps on giving.

This Alliance has taught us a lot so far and I know that leveraging our collective strengths we can truly make an impact in management education.

Welcome to Rome, welcome to Luiss Business School!

Chair FOME Alliance
Enzo Peruffo